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Something appears to have gone wrong with the Linux export. The linux download is just the executable. It doesn't have the .pck file.

(1 edit) (+1)

Oops, I am sorry. It was my first time exporting to Linux. I'll fix that.

Edit:  Fixed, thanks!

(1 edit) (+1)

you can easily cheese the game by blocking while moving! also camera smoothing would work wonderfully with the game. a reward for killing enemies would be very good! i would recommend you read or watch some game design stuff (like gmtk). a really good game for only 4 months! also the tutorial doesnt tell you some stuff like the fact that you can double jump and climb ledges. the double jumping is a bit weird


Thank you so much for the suggestions. I will sure work on those. I started watching GMTK but only after I published the game, but I'm working on that too. Thanks a lot once again. :)